
jollain on taiteellista näkemystäLauantai 30.01.2010 02:00

WHAT I'VE DONE ? :OOTorstai 28.01.2010 17:31

28.01.2010 08:22 <miksei> saatanan juippi helsingistä..
28.01.2010 08:22 <miksei> perkeleen kersa pääkaupunkiseudulta
hmmh.. uusi sivubusiness?

soon that record will be MINEKeskiviikko 27.01.2010 19:28

se oli semmonen litkulauantai...Maanantai 25.01.2010 14:05


aika kiva juuLauantai 23.01.2010 18:06

I lied just a little
When I said I need you
You stretched the truth
When you said that you knew
Just can't believe it
There's nothing to say
I was almost honest, almost
Living alone, can't stand this place
It's four in the morning and I still see your face

I was nearly pure
When I said I loved you
You were semi-sincere
You said I'd bleed for you
We were kind of candid
Now you've gone away
You were almost honest, almost
Living alone, falling from grace
I want to atone but there's just empty space
I can't face tomorrow, now you're not coming back
Walked off in the night and just left me the tracks

I question your call by the tone of your voice
I know I should hang up but I don't have a choice
It happend that night when you told me to go
Don't ask who's to blame, I don't know
Living alone, falling from grace
I want to atone but there's just empty space
I can't face tomorrow, now you're not coming back
Walked off in the night and just left me the tracks

Almost, almost honest
Almost, I was almost honest

joo eiv ituKeskiviikko 20.01.2010 17:43

tää galleria taas heikentyy niin vitusti joo ei vittu vieraslistallaki näkyy kerrallaa vaa yks tyyppi voooi vitu VAIHTAMALLA PARANEE!!

nyt tuli semmonen fiilis...Tiistai 19.01.2010 02:34

...että mä haluan takas jumppaamaan :/

vähä sponssiiTiistai 19.01.2010 02:11

Kanankoipi sanoo:
olisko siisti tatska "angel of deth" teksti ;oooo vai meneekö liian kitaran mainostamiseks??!??!+
sano _SUORAAN_
Woomas sanoo:
liika fanboi
Kanankoipi sanoo:
Woomas sanoo:
no emt
on se aika
tatskaa nyt viel Nokia vaik
Woomas sanoo:
kysy jos ne maksais sen sulle?

sain aika makeat naurut :D

OMNNMOMNOMNMaanantai 18.01.2010 23:54