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Oh, you've got the feeling that I wanna feel
Oh, you've got the feeling that I know is real, real, real

It's in the way you look, it's in the way you love
And I can see that this is real
It's in the way you talk, it's in the way you touch

And I can see

This is real, real, real, real love
This is real, real, real, real love
You give me that feeling, you give me that feeling
You give me that, you give me real love

Time won't waste, and we just learn
To take it slow and wait our turn
Held my breath, cause I believed
That you'll find me

We will never
We will never have a change of mind
We belong together

We sing our sorrows away
We sing our sorrows away
We sing our sorrows away

We can make it through judgement day
We won't go fading away
All I ever know must be heaven where you come from

We can make it through cloudy skies
By your side, I feel alive

All I ever know must be heaven where you come from

5 vuotta murun kanssa! ♥

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