


Surrounded but alone

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BugPerjantai 22.02.2008 00:32

A lifetime ago in a frozen land
A boy was born
With the fingers of his right hand
He wrote from his life so torned
A daydream to be in a band

He studied melody to learn to fly
He studied rhythm to learn to run
He studied the languages
just to be able to write songs
from his diary's pages
..but something went wrong

There's something wrong with me
Doing terror with good thoughts
There's something wrong with me
Always driving someone to suicide
Hurting when trying to hug
Inside me, there must be a bug

He lived his life to help other beigns
"World needs to be better"
He paid the price but still he was mean
Able to write a nice letter
but every word ripped the seam

He studied melody to learn to fly
He studied rhythm to learn to run
He studied the harmony
just to be able to soar
on the wings of his poem
..but everything went wrong

There's something wrong with me
Doing terror with good thoughts
There's something wrong with me
Always driving someone to suicide
Hurting when trying to hug
Inside me, there must be a bug

So many beautiful thoughts in his head
but as many razorblades in his bed

There's something wrong with me
Doing bad with good thoughts
There's something wrong with me
Always driving someone to suicide
Hurting when trying to hug
Inside me, there must be a bug

There's something wrong with me
There's something wrong with me
Hurting when trying to hug
Inside me, there must be a bug

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