


Surrounded but alone

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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.06.2006 20:03

Insane asylum of my country

Come closer, come inside
We'll afford everything what you need
accommodation, new style and food
You'll get a experience of a lifetime at no cost

Lose your humanity
and mess with other idiots
Things that you've fighted against
is gone quicker than you thought

Everyday, you do a crime for yourself
Counting days on your common cell
so many days, wonder how to survive
in the field of becoming adult cliché

To use force that can kill
is it enough for thrill?
power was created to good purpose
So was it your biggest lapse?

Everyday, you do a crime for yourself
Counting days on your common cell
so many days, wonder how to survive
in the field of becoming adult cliché

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