


Surrounded but alone

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[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.11.2006 00:28

En viittis paljastaa liikaa, ku tulis kauhee kohu tyhjästä, mut kirjottelin tätä ajatellen erästä ihmistä <3

Again losing my mind infront of the mirror
Who am I? What should I do?
And who are you? Are you the one?
Closing my eyes
So I can return to my dreams (to my dreams)

This is
a novel to our collapse
Last play of these children
Instruments of black soul
play's the final note
with harmony of losted hope

Reborned Stillborn
Fighter of Borderline
Line between you and me
I whisper in your ear
"Let me show thee
A world with no fear"

Welcome to my dark side
I promise, you will enjoy
and that's what I like

This is
a novel to our collapse
Last play of these children
Instruments of black soul
play's the final note
with harmony of losted hope

Broken pieces of that mirror
Reflects the sadness from my eyes
Your words are like horror
My dreams just filled with lies


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