


Overly longing, yet accepting.

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Francis ForeverKeskiviikko 29.06.2022 23:48

I don't know what to do without you,

I don't know where to put my hands,

I've been trying to lay my head down,

But I'm writing this at three AM.

I don't need the world to see,

That I've been the best I can be, but,

I don't think I could stand to be,

Where you don't see me.

On sunny days I go out walking,

I end up on a tree-lined street,

I look up at the gaps of sunlight,

I miss you more than anything.

I don't need the world to see,

That I've been the best I can be, but,

I don't think I could stand to be,

Where you don't see me.

And autumn comes when you're not yet done,

With the summer passing by, but,

I don't think I could stand to be,

Where you don't see me.

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