


"You jumpstart my serotonin."

The Fan and the BellowsTorstai 10.03.2011 15:29

(Mark, I warn you: you can't let your feelings run your life. I've seen. Mark my words.)

A Beecher's Brook is love
A hurdle at which greater men have fallen
She manipulates
Steals my mind and hides it in her garden

But now
Only love can bring me down
Somehow love must bring me down
I've become the fan and the bellows

Cupid masturbates
Absent of all thought and of all reason
Shoots me in the back
I think perhaps it must be shooting season

But now
Only love can bring me down
Somehow love must bring me down
I've become the fan and the bellows

Not me...
Not me...

But now
Only love can bring me down
I've become the fan and the bellows
Somehow love must bring me down
I've become the fan and the bellows

The Chameleons - The Fan and the Bellows

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