


The Supreme Hierophant

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"Terra Erdboden and Mineral."Sunnuntai 13.01.2013 16:55

It was four thousand years ago when Terra went away and cast herself in deep sleep. She left the her heir and daughter alone in the universe. Mineral is one of the legendary Saints and decendant of the First One.
Mineral is the mother of crystals and gems, also demigoddess of fertility and nutrition. When Terra is in sleep Mineral keeps the world in balance of nutrition of soil.
Terra is Mineral's teacher and friend. She always look after her from far away and guards Mineral's actions.

"So you think that Mineral can aid me when I meditate with crystals? And how I contact her?"

Alchima draw a circle in my rooms floor and went stand in it. Then she took every crystals fragment in her hands and put them on the floor. One candle for each crystal and then she lit them up.
The light were bright in my room of darkness. She put her hand on every candle and took fragment in her.

I could feel the change in the air, it was breeze of wind, but there was no window open. I watched when Alchima worked along with the circle and suddenly I sensed very old and powerful being in the room. I felt her hands on my shoulder and my sight blanked.

After wards I remember gaining my sight back three hours later. My hands were warm almost hot, but when I touched the crystal fragments I could feel the vibration through them clearly. It was blessing of the Mineral.

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