


twisted valentine

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.02.2006 22:55

YouÂ’re always ahead of the game
I drag behind
You never get caught in the rain
When IÂ’m drenched to the bone every time
YouÂ’re the first one to swim across the Seine
I lag behind
YouÂ’re always ahead of the game
While I drag behind

I drag behind

YouÂ’re always ahead of the pack
I drag behind
You posses every trait that I lack
By coincidence or by design
YouÂ’re the monkey IÂ’ve got on my back
That tells me to shine
YouÂ’re always ahead of the pack
While I drag behind

I drag behind

YouÂ’re always ahead of the rest
When IÂ’m always on time
You got As on your algebra tests
I failed and they kept me behind
I just gotta get off my chest
That I think youÂ’re divine
YouÂ’re always ahead of the rest
While I drag behind

I drag behind

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