
Look out! Look out!
Pink elephants on parade
Here they come!
Hippety hoppety
They're here and there
Pink elephants ev'rywhere
Look out! Look out!
They're walking around the bed
On their head
Clippety cloppety
Arrayed in braid
Pink elephants on parade
What'll I do? What'll I do?
What an unusual view!
I could stand the sight of worms
And look at microscopic germs
But technicolor pachyderms
Is really much for me
I am not the type to faint
When things are odd or things
are quaint
But seeing things you know that ain't
Can certainly give you an awful fright!
What a sight!
Chase 'em away!
Chase 'em away!
I'm afraid need your aid
Pink elephants on parade!
Pink elephants!
Pink elephants!
Bugs Bunny Birthday Beating :D:D

He's gonna take you back to the past
To play the shitty games that suck ass
He'd rather have a buffallo
Take a diarrhea dump in his ear
He'd rather eat the rotten asshole
Of a road killed skunk and down it with beer
He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard
He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd
He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd
He's the Angry Video Game Nerd

When you turn on the TV
Make sure it's tuned to channel three
He's got a nerdy shirt and a pocket pouch
Although I've never seen him write anything down
He's got a powerglove and a dirty mouth
Armed with his zapper he will tear these games down
He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard
He's the Angry Nintendo Nerd
He's the Angry Atari Sega Nerd
He's the Angry Video Game Nerd

He plays the worst games of all time
They're horrible abominations of mankind
They make him so mad he can spit
Or say cowabunga, Cowa-fuckin'-piece'a dog shit

They rip you off and don't care one bit
But this nerd, he doesn't forget it
Why can't a turtle swim? Why can't I land the plane?
They got a quick buck for this shitload of fuck
The characters names are wrong. Why's the password so long?
Why don't the weapons do anything?
He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard
These games suck so bad, he makes up his own words
He's the angriest most pissed off gaming nerd
He's the Angry...
Neo Geo
Turbo Grafix 16
Nintendo Nerd
He's The Angry Video Game Nerd

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 03.03.2009 03:02

Kyösti Pöysti
[ ] tutit on kivoja
[x] pidän pitkää takkia
[x] minulla on iso pää
[x] suhteeni ovat päättyneet aika lyhyeen
[x] pelaan playstationia

Rauno Repomies
[ ] minulla on lääkitys
[ ] puhun aivan sekavia
[ ] ainakin muiden mielestä
[ ] olen hyvä johtamaan
[ ] ja laulamaan

[ ] olen arjalainen
[x] haluaisin ampua sinGolla
[x] käyn punttiksella
[ ] olisin vastakkaista sukupuolta, jos olisin itse saanut päättää
[ ] isän kanssa on selvittämättömiä riitoja ym.

Pekka Routalempi
[ ] puhuessani usein eksyn aiheesta
[x] monet asiat ovat jänniä
[ ] minut laitetaan yleensä siivoamaan
[ ] nuorena maalasin/maalaan
[x] juttuni eivät kiinnosta muita

Oon sit Kyösti Pöysti... OK?

2pvä saikkuaMaanantai 02.03.2009 13:36

lievää lämpöä sekä flunssa :S

no höh :SSunnuntai 01.03.2009 23:57

oon varmaan tulos kipeeks ku yskin keuhkoni pellolle :S

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 22.02.2009 03:45

1. Mikä on nimesi?:

2. Neljä kirjaiminen sana:
en vittu varmasti vastaa sillä sanalla... sanon vaikka että Hius

3.Tytön nimi:

4. Pojan nimi:

5. Ammatti:
Healeri (elikkäs hoitsu)

6. Väri:

7. Jotain, johon voit pukeutua:

8. Ruoka:
Haunted Herring
Use: Haunted Herring makes you scared.

9. Jotain, joka löytyy kylpyhuoneestasi:

10. Paikka:
Halls Of Stone

11. Syy myöhästyä:
Halls Of Lightning HC mode

12. Jotain, jota huudat:

13. Elokuvan nimi:
How High (Pilvessä)

14. Jotain jota juot:
Honeymint Tea
Use: Restores 12960 mana over 30 sec. Must remain seated while drinking.

15. Musiikkiyhtye:

16. Eläin:

17. Kadunnimi:

18. Auton merkki:

19. Laulun nimi:
Hero in a Dream

20. Aktiviteetti, joka vaatii enemmän kuin kaksi ihmistä :