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Kyo's happy song number endlessTiistai 31.07.2007 23:27

song name: The Deeper Vileness
you can listen it from Youtube.
sanat mukana.
(Kyolla on kyllä paras englannin lausuminen...)

I have fun listening to your lies...
I shout out joy and you shout for help
Fuck! I hate you!
Dear God, You're a MOTHERFUCKER
Death for All - Death for All
I'm your worst nightmare,
Fuck off!I wanna die!

I don't even think of you as my friend
I don't even think of you as my friend

You deceived me and sold me out
Take off that mask of rectitude!
Pretender that hurts one's eyes, voice that jars on one's ear

Fuck 'em all without a care
Fake rock wannables...just die

I don't even think of you as my friend
I don't even think of you as my friend

The maze, it's so cold
I'll die in a world of lies and deceits

By tomorrow I'll be in despair
It was destined

I have fun listening to your lies...
I shout out joy and you shout for help
Fuck!I hate you!
Dear God, You're a MOTHERFUCKER
Death for All - Death for All
I'm your worst nightmare,
Fuck off!I wanna die!

I don't even think of you as my friend
I don't even think of you as my friend

The maze, it's so cold
I'll die in a world of lies and deceits
I'll die in a world of lies and deceits

Pleh. Tyksin tästä, sanat on kivat. Mutta harmillisesti tässä ei ollut semmoista über yllättävää kaunista kohtaa kuten Saku- biisissä! :o No mutta, hieno biisi silti.
Ei, tämä ei ollut ensimmäinen kerta kun kuulen tuon, mutta.. Täytyy opetella tuon uusimman levyn sanoja, jos vaikka rokissa tulee sitten rääyttyä muitten mukana :'D
Lempikohtani tuosta laulusta ovat:
- "I don't even thin of you as my friend" ja tuolla alussa oleva
- "Death for all" (oli semmoinen joka olis voinu sanoa useemminkin. öhköpöhkö?)
- "I have fun listening to your lies...
I shout out joy and you shout for help" tuo pätkä on vain jotain niin kieroa. Niin tyypillistä Kyoota. (en tosin ole 100% varma onko tämän laulun sanat Kyon rustaamia, mutta aika Kyon tyylisiä.)

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