


don't be a drag, just be a queen

:::::DTiistai 01.03.2011 12:20

"Oh my gosh, I open my mouth and a little purse falls out!"
"That's so gay!"
"How did it get in there?"

aaa kuolen tääl hieman taas

Kurt ♥
Blaine ♥
Holly Holiday ♥

aaaaa en tiedä parempaa tapaa käyttää hypäriä ku kattoa Gleetä :D:D:D


....kielioppi siis mikä

yölliset mesekeskustelut med jack ♥ enkä toki oo väsyny ja hysteerinen enkä kuole tääl yhtään

muuten vaa oon chrishaperoissa eikumitä


Gerard innoissaan typonnu trolololol

siis tottakai Gerard, "gerardnmikeyrock" D44

paitsi ne pari häröä Twilight-videota siellä HUAH mitäollatämä


:D:D:D:D:D:D:D MIKÄS SIINÄ Chrisin imitointi oli kyl paljon parempi JUST SAYING

.............en haluu mennä nukkumaan mulla on liian hauskaa :D:D:D:D

// jack sanoo (2:34):
aaa oho kellokin raksuttaa
GEEKAT sanoo (2:34):
kui *ossum-hymiö*
GEEKAT sanoo (2:35):
jack sanoo (2:35):
*hoho-hymiö* o
GEEKAT sanoo (2:35):
jack sanoo (2:35):
GEEKAT sanoo (2:35):
luin noit tuolt ylempää
ja siel oli mun et must tuntuu et poksahdan kohta
ja luulin et sä sanoit sen just

........lololololol mikä fisu

aw kui somaa :::DTiistai 01.03.2011 01:27

Como se dice "Mr. Schuester's fly is down" en Espanol? Kurt stared at the paper in shock, contemplating just ignoring it but before he knew it, his pencil was moving.

You actually showed up for more than the last fifteen minutes? Mr. Schue might actually weep for joy.

Hope he doesn't get too excited. I don't plan on paying that much attention.

What could you possibly be doing during school if you're not in class anyways? Hunting down Cheerios? Stealing virtue?

Puckzilla can't be caged in by the four corners of this shithole school. Obviously. Sometimes I just hang around the choir room with my guitar.

You do realize what a ridiculous nickname "Puckzilla" is, right? At least "Puck" has literary background.

The Puckinator has no idea what you're talking about... your face is ridiculous, so your argument is invalid.

It's literally like talking to a six year old when I'm talking to you.

Puckasaurous thinks you're being just a little dramatic, Hummbelina.

Children give themselves dinosaur nicknames. And don't call me that.

Why not? I kind of like it. You're very small and you know, a little girly. So it's pretty fitting. Me on the other hand... I'm fifty stories worth of terrifyingly delicious muscular dinosaur meat that can breathe fire. Godzilla kinda has a mohawk, too.

Thumbellina was a girl, moron. I am not.

Don't make me state the obvious. I know you're a dude, but you're the girliest dude I know. You know, in the least offensive way possible. We could go with Kurtella instead. Kinda like Nutella, so that would make you chocolatey and delicious on toast?

Can't I just keep my normal name? I don't need a dumb nickname.

You absolutely need a dumb nickname. What will you possibly do with out one? Even your black chick friend has one. Aretha, remember? Asian, other asian? I forgot what Sylvester called you. Gay kid? I'd rather just call you Hummbelina.

She calls me Kurt now, since I'm a cheerio. Well... that or Lady Face but I will castrate you if you call me that.

Like you could handle Puckzilla's might balls of titanium. I'd laugh at your feeble attempt.

Please. You think way too highly of yourself.

My balls are the only thing I've got going for me right now, so excuse me if I glorify them a bit. Well, my cock too. Cockzilla.

Super charming. No wonder so many girls let you into their pants. It's sad. No one believes in romance any more.

If you're looking to be wooed in this town, you're delusional. The most romantic thing I've seen all month is Brittany's budding relationship with the janitor.

It's sad, really. Most people's idea of romance is bringing a condom along.

Hey, that is romantic. I mean, it's considerate and all, right? And you're one to talk, you tried the whole... really weird and awkward thing with Brittany.

Ugh, don't remind me. Please. I've been trying to block the memory.

So you actually did make out with her, then? Did you touch her boobs? You didn't fuck her, did you? Because that would... really mess with my head.

Yes, no, and NO! Still... I don't know what I was thinking over the whole thing. Super stupid.

Kind of. But it's whatever, who hasn't tapped that at least once? I'm kind of impressed, Hummel. I wasn't sure if you were capable of talking guy.

May I remind you, yet again, I am in fact a guy. Not a girl with a short hair cut.

This is true. It's not like I don't know you're a dude and all, it's that you talk girl so much sometimes it's hard to imagine you talking guy. I mean come on, you're the one who tried to go over to the girl's team when we split up for mash ups.

That's because I knew none of you would listen to any of my genius ideas. Your loss, really.

I don't know, Kurt... I think you pulled off leather pretty well. You might want to try dressing like a guy more often. I mean... just not in flannel. That was weird.

And disgusting. Besides, almost all of the clothes I wear are boy clothes.

Dude. You wore a corset to school.

I said almost! And it looked awesome. It's not my fault no one here understands couture.

Uh-huh. Whatever you say, Hummel. There's no real point in arguing with you.

You're saying that because you don't know what it is, aren't you.

Yes. But also... you contradict yourself, you know? You say you're proud of who you are, that... being different is the best thing about you, and... I'd deny it to anyone who asks, but... you're right, Hummel. It's what's gonna get you out of this shit town. But then you also want to pretend that you're just another one of the guys... when you're not. You're not one of us, you're not some dumbass guy with a dirty jockstrap in his back pocket who didn't shower this morning because sleep seemed like a better idea. But who cares? You shouldn't care, because you're Kurt Hummel.

aw Puck ja Kurt olis kyl nii loisto pari ♥ pweese Ryan Murphy, make them happen ::::D

// okei Klaine ♥ mut Puckurt/Pummel/Purt/whatever myöskin ♥

:D:DMaanantai 28.02.2011 18:31

"Brit, what was it you said about Puck earlier?" Brittany, who was sitting on the floor, drawing designs on the carpet with her finger, looked up at Puck.

"That he was capital G gay... and so far in the closet he was in the garage." Puck gaped at her and Santana grinned.

"Right. Also, you have never dated a boy, Noah Puckerman. So you don't know if you do or do not date them. Stop being a pussy and admit your flaming, glittery feelings. I thought you were a stud ." Puck glared at her and really she'd at least pretend to be a little intimidated by it. But all in all, Puck had no words. Sure, he'd kind of fantasied about Hummel's ass or mouth while he jacked off and...okay... one time he watched some gay porn, but that didn't mean he was going all Adam Lambert.

[x] capital G gay

ja lololol "that didn't mean he was going all Adam Lambert" XD oliks ton siis niiku tarkotus olla loukkaus vai vaan toteamus or wut :D:D:D

[x] fanfiction tuhoaa aivosoluni

HUAHMaanantai 28.02.2011 17:20





i iz soooooooo going !

LOLOLOLOLMaanantai 28.02.2011 02:06

"She goes like 'Oh, hello' and I go like 'AAAAAA!'"

lolololol teen kaikkeni etten naurais ääneen mut XDDDD


XDLauantai 26.02.2011 18:02

"Finn Hudson?"

He spins around to see a dude he doesn't know, and why is a guy – wait, that's the dude from the photo when he went cyberstalking! Harry Potter!

...Which still doesn't explain why he's here, but whatever, Finn'll deal.

He gives the guy a shrug and a smile. "Hey," he says. "Yeah, that's me. Uh... who are you?"

The guy holds out his hand. "Blaine," he says, and – hey, Kurt is dating Harry Potter after all. Cool. Finn shakes his hand.

:D:D:D:D go Finn :'D

ps tänää Theatricalityyyyy ♥ Chris Gaga-asussa ja Cory suihkuverhossa lololol ja bäääd roumäääns ja kaikkee kivaa oaa
plus da scene med Finn ja Kurt HUAH

BOYS WILL BE BOYSTorstai 24.02.2011 19:50

............that is all i have to say

ens jaksoa odotellessa :D:D:D

MCR Challenge 3Torstai 24.02.2011 05:38

My Chemical Romance Challenge:
01 - Favourite song
02 - Favourite album
Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge
03 - Favourite live album/DVD

04 - Favourite photo of My Chemical Romance
05 - Favourite photo of Gerard
06 - Favourite photo of Frank
07 - Favourite photo of Mikey
08 - Favourite photo of Ray
09 - Favourite live/gig photo
10 - Favourite cover
11 - Favourite quote
12 - Favourite interview video
13 - Favourite live/gig video
14 - Favourite quote
15 – Favourite gig
16 – Favourite twitpic
17 – Favourite My Chemical Romance Lolz
18 – Favourite My Chemical Romance Tumblr
19 – Favourite My Chemical Romance Magazine Cover
20 - Favourite My Chemical Romance album cover/artwork
21 - Favourite “Making Of…” video
22 – Favourite Music Video
23 - Favourite My Chemical Romance slash pairing photo (i.e; Frerard, Frikey)
24 – Favourite lyric
25 – Favourite poster
26 - Favourite My Chemical Romance merch (i.e; shirt, mug, etc)
27 – Favourite B-side
28 – Random My Chemical Romance song!
29 - A random My Chemical Romance video of your choice
30 – Random My Chemical Romance pic of your choice

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 24.02.2011 05:34

10 totuutta nykyhetkestä
► Seurusteletko? - en
► Kauan olet seurustellut? -....
► Oletko lävistetty? - korvissa ja huulessa
► Mitä sinulla on päälläsi? - kollarit ja joku random h&m t-paita
► Oletko tyytyväinen elämääsi? - semi
► Minkälainen olo sinulla on nyt? - aika kiva :D:D:D naurattaa
► Onko koruja päällä nyt? - eip
► Onko sänkysi pedattu? - ei

10 totuutta eilisestä
► Oliko kiva päivä? - khyllää
► Suutelitko ihastustasi? - noup
► Olitko tietokoneella? - joo
► Tajusitko jotain uutta? - öööööö en osaa sanoo ei ainakaa tuu mielee mitää eli en varmaan :D
► Teitkö jotain mitä et tee yleensä? - ööööö en kai
► Käytitko jotain päihdettä? - en
► Teitkö yhtään urheilusuoritusta? - lol en
► Monelta aloit nukkumaan? - öö no siis mikä edes lasketaan eiliseks koska nyt on torstai ja kello tulee puol neljä lololol mut siis no edellisyönä kävin nukkumaa joskus kolmen aikaan niitten mun nolojen tekstareitten jälkeen ohgod

10 totuutta menneisyydestä:
► Missä synnyit? - helskinissää
► Kaipaatko menneisyyttäsi? - joltain osin joo
► Entiset koulusi? - lintuvaara ja lintumetsä
► Entiset opettajasi? - siismitä lol en ymmärrä kysymystä TARVITSEN VERBIN
► Teitkö jotain, jota kadut yhä? - ahmjoo aika paljonki
► Kuinka monesti olet muuttanut? - kolme kertaa
► Muistatko ensimmäisen koulupäiväsi? - en

10 Satunnaista:
► Nimesi? - satu
► Lempikirja - potteriiit ♥
► Lempikouluaine? - enkku ja psyka
► Kännykän merkki? - nokia
► Monta kirjainta on ihastuksesi/rakkaasi etunimessä? - vaikee sanoo koska ei ole sellasta
► Lempinimesi? - has no
► Lempibändi? - MCR d44 ♥
► Juotko alkoholia? - blame it a-a-a-a-a-alcohol

10 totuutta ensimmäisen viestin lähettäjästä
► Oletko nähnyt hänet tänään? - en
► Oletko puhunut hänelle tänään? - en
► Oletko ihastunut häneen? - en
► Ketä voit kiittää että tutustuitte? - MCR ja fini :3
► Milloin tapasitte ensimmäisen kerran? - messarissa 09
► Minkä näköinen hän on? - pwetty
► Onko hän ollut luonasi? - ei
► Oletteko nukkuneet samassa sängyssä? - ei

► Haluaisitko olla jossain muualla kun nyt olet? - no vaikka missä mut tääki kelpaa ainaki toistaseks :D
► Haluaisitko olla päivän julkkis? - jos saa valita et joku tietty nii joo mut jos oma itteni ja feimi nii no thanks
► Haluaisitko elää jonkun päivän uudestaan? - moniakin
► Haluaisitko kertoa jotain jollekin tietylle? - kyl :3
► Haluaisitko halata jotain tiettyä? - joo :333
► Haluaisitko viettää aikaa jonkun tietyn kanssa? - oh yes :33
► Haluaisitko että olisi kesä? - mm ei vielä, eka maaliskuu ja MCR mut sit vois :3
► Haluaisitko nukkua ikuista unta? - en ainakaa täl hetkel koska hereil on niin paljon kivempaa