


(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

[English] Minun Youtube TarinaTiistai 07.01.2014 15:57

Why I started making Youtube videos (mostly in Finnish, hopefully in the future in English also) about reviewing and letÂ’s plays?

I started them for out of long interest because of many talented Youtube content creators and I wanted to do same thing they are doing.

Mostly my spark to start was one of my friend who was doing this Youtube stuff way before me. We met and he gave his link to his Youtube channel: Click here to see! I watched some of them and decided that now is good time as any to at least give it a shot.

I started to make letÂ’s plays mostly, why? They are easy to produce, just get an webcam, a game and microphone and you are good to go. In fact you donÂ’t even need webcam if you are not comfortable with it. But Youtube is full of LP creators so that market is heavily occupied so I thought to make first impressions, and after that reviews with some comedy aspects.

In the beginning I was very camera shy and was struggling to make myself to talk to the camera. ItÂ’s surprisingly hard, especially if you need to concentrate to the game and also entertain your viewers. That takes practice but I think I got it to work where I am not shy anymore to talk about things while I play. Finally I had courage and motivation to start writing scripts to the reviews, which was fun / frustrating experience to do, mostly because I havenÂ’t done any scripts ever for anything.

My let’s plays mostly consist me playing (duh) and talking about my life at the moment and asking viewers questions to answer in comments. I like to do this because it gives me more meaningful contact with my viewers and probably help me in my own life problems. Also why I talk about my life in general is that I don’t like to create a “Internet person” for myself and hide behind my user name or what not, but to be me and myself in front of viewers. Showing them that I am nothing but an ordinary guy doing things in video games.

But I found my pace and creator within me (I like to think I create something worthwhile but viewers will decide that) so I started making these as a hobby. I havenÂ’t regretted ever to start making videos.

Thanks for reading and peace out!

Tämä löytyy myös minun tumblr sivuilta jos jotakuta kiinnostaa siellä käydä lukemassa :)

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