


תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ

irenelt hauska heheheeeheTorstai 21.08.2008 16:33

googleta ja lisää oma nimi eteen:

"tarvitsee": Emily needs to be told "No, there are certain things that just are NOT allowed"

"näyttää": Emily looks like she may effect Jamaica more than previously thought.


emily says:
at least let me see ur face
emily says:
or hear ur voice
emily says:

"haluaa": Emily wants a Pony!: And galactic invasion won't stand in her way.

"tekee": Whatever Emily is doing, it's working.

"inhoaa": Emily hates most of her fans, but she has good reason.

"kysyy": Emily asks Jimmy "am I behaving like a whore?" (Jimmy's reply is: "Whoring is a peacetime activity.")


"tykkää": Emily likes to wander the streets and eat goldfish crackers.

"syö": emily eats poo emily eats poo emily eats poo emily eats poo.


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