


no man, no cry u know ladiees

I just feel like I can confess uPerjantai 13.11.2009 22:43

Not tryna hear u tell nobody that I'm just a friend
Just tryina make sure I'm that body that u call ur girl
And anytime u need a shoulder, it shows not a day
What I'm tryina say is

I wanna be the last u call late at night
I wanna be the first u dial when u open ur eyes
Wanna be the one u run to, wannabe the one that ain't gon hurt u
I wanna be her, I wanna be

Would it be cool? Would u mind if I call u my boo?
What if the next with u is pushin was the one I bought for u?
Can I be the one that meets ur pops, and take ur mama shoppin?
Be the only one they like

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