


Dulcius Ex Asperis (Vaikeuksien jälkeen tulee onni) ♥

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:DTiistai 25.01.2011 21:58

YOU ARE: "Bou-san"! (Houshou Takigawa)
You're very relaxed and you love to have fun and to tease people - it's just your way of expressing affection. You have a light-hearted view on most things and you try to cheer people up, but you'll be one of the first to step up if someone says something offensive to someone close to you, or if someone's in danger of getting hurt. You sometimes feel a little out of your depth when you have to be serious, but really your feelings are deeper than they seem, and you just express them in your own way. You secretly do like to impress people despite often claiming you don't regard other people's opinions, and you'll do things that you think they'll like, which is you being cute in that way of yours.

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