


it's getting better in the worst way.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 22.10.2008 15:10

Mene sivulle ja klikkaa "satunnainen kappale". Kopioi biisin ensimmäinen säkeistö/lause ja vastaa alla oleviin kysymyksiin.

1. Ihastuksesi heittää tomaatin päähäsi, sinä huudat:
In the port of Amsterdam
There's a sailor who sings
Of the dreams that he brings
From the wide open sea
In the port of Amsterdam
There's a sailor who sleeps
While the river bank weeps
To the old willow tree

2. Äitisi saa sinut kiinni tupakan poltosta, sinä sanot:
Rumors are flying
That you've got me sighing
That I'm in a crazy kind of a daze
A lazy sort of a haze
When I go walking
I hear people talking
They say our affair is not just a passing phase

3. Olet myöhässä tunnilta, sanot opettajalle:
A new life
what I wouldnt give to have a new life
one thing I have learned as I go through life
nothing is for free along the way

4. Kun heräät aamulla sängystäsi, sanot iloisesti:
Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
But the very next day, You gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special xD

5. Sinulla on huono päivä, kiroat:
Six foot six stood on the ground weighed two hundred and thirty five pounds
I saw that giant of a man brought down to his knees by love

6. Rehtori käskee sinun tulla kansliaan, siellä hän sanoo:
So hard to be
Free to
Love only you
Starin' at me
Try to
Take you away
There's no
Time to delay
We've got to live for today

7. Maailman kaunein kuulemasi asia oli...
I get delirious whenever youÂ’re near
Lose all self-control, baby just canÂ’t steer
Wheels get locked in place
Stupid look on my face

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