


joku wilho

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 22.11.2009 13:49

i walk in the city
with my feet wet
wet from blood

of dreaming too much
or perhaps we've all pissed
ourselves by now

they say it's easy
but they make it hard
to piss, or to cause
something resembling

it's hard to avoid nothing
with the speed they have
the time that they make

they are producing time
they are building factories
they never existed

the primary antagonist is no one
for no one is the VIRUS
and no one is the TERROR
and no one is the WAR
and no one is the HATRED
for you see, if you could
we are all in front of a mirror
and it's screaming out loud
and you hear a whisper

the cars that breathe
in flat tones
and the chimney stacks
pollute us with gray smoke
as our reflection
our factories are our mirrors
standing, rising in cutting sharp angles
the angles of wealth, the self
as pyramids separated
by a vast desert evergrowing

they say it was a wonder
how the egyptians build them
but i say it's a wonder
how this shit still stands
perhaps it is our beauty
the heartstone tiny and small
underneath the eternally crumbling layer
of dreams red and bloody
beaten and bruised
beaten by the stick of society
our own hand abusive
looking for something

there's dead children by the roadside
as IT flows as a snake from the west
from the screens to your veins
and your mind becomes an error
for you imagine whatever IT wants
and your mind won't allow IT
your self won't allow IT
and you step on the way
of a speeding bullet train
you waste a day
in front of a speeding bullet
to make some sense of IT

yes, it is
something hollow
in the wintertime now
yet something so true
that it can't be traced
not with words or
not with our lightspeed mind
not with our advanced
communication networks
the soul is still lonely
and timid and tiny
wondering where to go, if to go

tiny and beautiful
it's going, again, i believe
it's a wave, and the wind
and some people like us
go with it
they never come back
except as the wave
and the wind
and some
as the stench of shit
on the noses of the bullies
that build and build and build
on the lost graves of dead brethren
the children that desecrate their fathers
and their mothers who are children
lost and found
and no one KNOWS
no one knows
on this beautiful early winter
no snow, yet footprints
i never see anyone go
yet all i hear is the hum of the machine
and nature never cares

i wish i won't come back here
but there are things that stay
stick on the cloth of the soul
if we just ejaculate
on each other
wildly, perversely, vividly
past death, our potency is our life

i've seen flowers grow from the ashes
of the volcanoes
they say there's water on dead planets
perhaps there are dreams
dreamed by broken dreamers
perhaps there are PEOPLE

even in a netherworld
where images replicate as a lie
perhaps there are shadows
in which beauty lurks
with whiskers lit by an imaginary
hallucinatory moonlight
a heart that beats fiercely
to the rhythm of hatred's fiery drum
love that makes itself
in insanity and blossoms as the flower
that grows toward infinity

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