


All is fair in love and war, so they tell me..

>>SUPERNATURALTiistai 26.04.2011 00:08

Who is your favourite character?
Dean Winchester & Castiel
Who is your least favourite character?
Whats your favourite episode?
When Dean and Castiel are working together 5x03
What is your favourite season?
Season 5
How long have you watched?
About 5 months
How did you become interested?
Because my sister watch it!
Who is your favourite actor?
Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins
If you could be anyone, who would you be?
Give a random quote
"I'm an Angel of the Lord." "I'm warrior of the Lord. I'm a solder."
Pair two characters that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Castiel and Dean ♥ nomnom
Has this inspired you in any way?
Hmm, it made me believe in demons and angels…

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