


My Body is Finnish but My Mind is International. :P
Jade Warrior(or as in Finnish, Jadesoturi) is a Finnish-Chinese movie directed by AJ Annila(Antti Jussi Annila). I think the genre is partially love story, partially fantasy movie.

It tells a story about a Finnish smith Kai(acted by Tommi Eronen, who also Sintai and i will tell more about him later) who's living alone in the middle of a swamp in some kind of cottage. His girlfriend Ronja(Krista Kosonen) has left him recently and some things lead to others and a (greedy) businessman(Markku Peltola) from an antique store in a city near comes to his place on the swamp.

Soon Kai discovers a new side in himself; he actually is a reincarnation of Master Sintai, a great warrior who's fate is to kill the last son of Loviatar, Unnamed, and give him the name he needs(this is a reference to Kalevala, Loviatar is from it also all the sons).

I will not give away info about the plot anymore. I don't want to spoil you. This movie is a great love story in two different times; far away in the past in China and in this time in Finland.

The visual side of this movie is simply Amazing! When they are fighting in China, the choreographics are really cool; you will see slow motion, awesome front/backflips, big spinning in the air when they jump, especially when Sintai and his ancient loved one Pin Yu(Jingchu Zhang) fight against each other(might be some sort of ritual)(it's my favourite part in this movie and visually REALLY beautiful!)!

So, if you haven't seen this movie i will recommend it to you with 100%, it's one of the best movies i have ever seen. :) And thank You for reading this whole review! <3

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