


pungeon neutral

E P I C SPAMANO WEDDINGLauantai 24.04.2010 06:12

Er, the Crack Chat Bar's beverages and food was contaminated! (What a surprise.) So, this email is to warn you of the side effects.

Such conditions include, but are not limited to:

Quoting Movie Quotes
Opposite Personality
Singing Everything
Become extremely Horny
Turn into any Pokemon
Turn into a Neko

(nojoo, milloinkas joku mitä Crack Chatissa tapahtuu EI tekis ihmisistä älyttömän kiimaisia :----D esim. pinkit kumiankat)

Näistä tulee kyl mielenkiintoisimmat häät ikinä. 8D

Noniin sssh se alkaa.

[03:12:43] Pope has joined the chat on 24th April 2010, 03:12

Tai ku Lovinon piti häitä varten muuttuu tytöks ku Italias homoliitot ei oo sallittuja ja Paavi ei muutenkaan sais tietää noista häistä ja slkdfjs x'D WTH.

Mut ilmeisesti Sisilia ei kauheesti aio tolla kyllä pelata koska noh. Paavi. :I Mut toi oli kyl aikamoinen shokkiefekti ja hajosin ihan totaalisesti. xD

[3:20] Espanjan vala D'AWWWWW

[03:16:54 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : *clears his throat, totally winging this*
[03:17:10 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : Lovina, I've taken care of you for a long time.
[03:17:51 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : And, I know that's not a ood reason for you to marry me because you feel indebted to me and I hope that's not the reason why you're marrying me.
[03:18:14 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : I might not have loved you at first.
[03:18:23 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : You were kind of obnoxious and you hit me a lot.
[03:18:57 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : But I guess I got attached to you, and I slowly started to fall in love.
[03:20:13 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : I still love you, and I hope I can still be with you even when we grow old.
[03:20:43 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : So, yeah, if I was to spend my forever with someone, it'd be with you and yeah, your turn....
[03:20:57 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : *trails off*

[03:26] Voi ei, Romano pelkää Paavia liikaa lukeakseen oman valansa. :'<

Jumankukka oon ihan hämmennyksissä ku tuol on niin paljon väkee ja kaikki pelaa tuhatta ja sataa.

Jos noi on ne häät ni alskdf entä sitte ku toi itse kirkkotoimitusasia on ohi

ja ku ihmiset pääsee syömään.

KAAOS x 10000000000000000000

[3:37] >w<
[03:33:59 24/04/10] HornyBullGirl!Lovi : E-eh.. I-I mean.. I.. t-that.. [/stumbles over words, flustered] ... I-I.. I do.. damnit.

[03:34:13 24/04/10] Male!Ireland : Spain, repeat after me.
[03:34:21 24/04/10] Male!Ireland : With this ring, I thee wed.
[03:34:22 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : *smiles softly at Romano* Hm?
[03:34:37 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : With this ring, I thee wed.
[03:34:56 24/04/10] Male!Ireland : Romano, repeat after me.
[03:35:06 24/04/10] Male!Ireland : With this ring, I thee wed.
[03:35:24 24/04/10] HornyBullGirl!Lovi : Ehh.. with this ring, I thee wed.
[03:35:50 24/04/10] Male!Ireland : Then, by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you married.
[03:36:01 24/04/10] Male!Ireland : You may now kiss.
[03:36:58 24/04/10] Matador!Spain : *puts his hands on Romano's shoulders and leans in to kiss her*

[3:41] Oh noes. 8D Nyt ne juhlat vasta alkaa. Ruokaa. Alkoholia. ...Preussi.

...RUOKAA voi vituflfkjslfdkjadksf



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